Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Bombastic - Episode 4

Size: 4.1MB
Running Time: 5:45

Episode 4 is here! I start to get a little more offensive in this episode. Starts off with my hate for two certain basketball teams followed by some appreciation for good conversations. Overall, it would probably get a PG-13 rating, although some might push for a rated R. Even though I say good night, keep listening for my open challenges to celebrities!

(Sorry about the crazy changes in length of podcast. I'll settle into one time eventually. That will probably be 7 minutes.)

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Bombastic - Episode 3

Size: 9.4MB
Running Time: ~13 mins.

Here is episode 3. I think I did a much better job of mixing in the music. Unlike the previous podcasts, this one is much longer. If you're on dial-up, expect this to take a long while. If you're on high speed internet, then it should only take a minute or two. Once again, if you have comments or suggestions, let me know.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Second Podcast (3.5MB)

Here is my second podcast. Really it's my first, but I did do a sample earlier.

I did an 8-minute show, but my stupid audio software deleted it. So here's what I made up.